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Help Haiti 

by Dirk Stoop

We're donating half of our Versions revenues to Haiti over the course of this month. If you were planning to buy Versions, do so now. If not, please donate directly.

By now you have probably heard the terrible news from Haiti. The country is in ruins, countless lives were lost and survivors are facing the toughest time of their lives.

We want to help, and we want to ask you to help as well.

For one month, we will send 50% of the revenue from every Versions sale to Doctors Without Borders to support their efforts there. Because help is needed sooner rather than later, we have already donated an advance and will make additional donations at least once a week over the course of this month. Follow @versionsapp on Twitter for updates.

If you were already planning to buy Versions, do so now. Or even better, hold off on buying Versions and just donate your money directly to Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross, or another charity that provides disaster relief in Haiti.

If you make software and are also donating part of your revenues to help Haiti, drop us an email and we'll list you here.

Thank you,

The people at Sofa and Pico


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