Help Wanted
by Dirk Stoop
Always wanted to make great software with a seriously talented team? This is your chance.
2010 was a great year for Sofa. We launched Kaleidoscope in June and got Versions back on track with a 1.1 release a couple of months later. We also made lots of progress with Enstore and, thanks to our friends at Acclivity, saw Checkout find new ground in Australia, the UK and Canada.
This was a year of investments. Before we made this one, we had already decided to focus entirely on our products. This meant no longer taking on any design contracting work. I'll spare you the details, but the transition is complete. Sofa now runs completely on revenue made from our products.

Next Up: More!
This year, we'll turn it up another notch. We have some very exciting plans for Enstore, Checkout, Versions and Kaleidoscope. And we'll need more than twelve people (and one cat) to pull them off.
Our products are used by people all over the world to make their work easier, better or simply more fun and enjoyable. If building truly great, truly useful software sounds appealing to you, read on here and get in touch.