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What a Week 

by Jorn van Dijk

We visited San Francisco last week for Apple's Developers Conference. It was a delightful week full of exciting events.

We've been attending WWDC for quite some years now, but never with a team this big. We decided to bring our entire team because it's been an busy year and the conference is a nice break from the day-to-day routine.


Hotel Dakota on Post & Taylor is one of our favorite places to stay. It's nothing fancy but the rooms are clean and have a nice artistic feel to them. Close to Union Square, Moscone West and our hideout Café Royale, the location is just spot on. Right after checking in we went across the street for sushi at Sakana. Imagine a lot of happy faces at the table.

An image of the Kaleidoscope application icon.


On sunday we revealed our new and upcoming app Kaleidoscope. Revealed is a big word. We showed a conceptual teaser that we have been meaning to do for a while. Make sure to check it out on People have been buzzing about it quite a bit.

Apple Design Award

Who saw that one coming? Sofa & Pico won an Apple Design Award for Versions, our Mac Subversion client! While our designers were preparing Pixel Assembly in Café Royale, our developers got dragged on stage and awarded during the ceremony. Have a look at their excitement. Thanks Apple!

An image of the Apple Design Award. Update: After a month or so our Apple Design Award arrived at our office in Amsterdam!

Pixel Assembly

After the ceremony we had an evening planned called Pixel Assembly. Our goal was to get a neat mix of developers and designers into Café Royale and have a relaxed meet up. Lots of cool people showed up, stayed until late (my guess is because of the open bar) and made it a fantastic night. Thanks everyone.


On wednesday Dirk Stoop and myself presented at CocoaHeads in the Apple store. Dirk did a great talk about what we learned from growing Sofa so far. My talk was part of Francisco Tolmasky's presentation on Cappuccino, an exciting framework that ports Cocoa to the web. It ships with Aristo, a design guideline for web applications. My talk was about the need Aristo addresses, but I'll do a proper piece on it soon.

Dirk's Presentation on growing Sofa

Jorn's Presentation on Aristo

Long story short. We had a ton of fun and can't wait 'til next year!


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