The Future of Sofa's Products

Thursday the 9th of June, 2011

Sofa's Products

This page is about the future of Sofa's products. We'll update it — and post more news to our blog — as soon as we can share more information.

Update 1 — June 10: See Acclivity's blog post for more news about Checkout and Enstore.

Today, the Sofa team was acquired by Facebook. Our products are not a part of this acquisition and we've worked hard to give all of them a great future.

Each of Kaleidoscope, Checkout, Enstore and Versions still have their best years ahead of them and we're convinced that, a couple of years from today, we'll be even prouder to have been a part of that success. The single most important factor to get that feeling is that our customers, who we owe much of our success to, don't get the short end of the deal.

For Checkout and Enstore, we worked out a great new plan with our joint venture partner Acclivity. They will own, develop, sell and support both products from here on. Because Acclivity was already responsible for support and sales, this is a natural and perfect fit and our customers won't notice any immediate changes. Service for each of these will continue as usual.

We truly can't wait to see where our friends at Acclivity will take both products.

That leaves our developer tools, Kaleidoscope and Versions. They will remain available from both their websites and the Mac App Store and our support email address will be manned by all the usual suspects. The apps are temporarily not available from the App Store for administrative reasons, but we're working with Apple to get them back up as soon as possible.

Great developer tools are built by great developers. We feel that both Versions and Kaleidoscope have a tremendous amount of potential ahead of them. We are working on a stellar way to fill the gap our team leaves behind and can't — but will have to — wait to tell you more soon.

To our customers, partners, clients and employees: We have no words to express how grateful we are for all we have done together. Stay tuned. Sofa out.

This is an archived version of the Sofa site